President AUSTIN CALZA |
Vice President BEN SCHEERGER |
Instagram | @ucsdskiteam
Youtube | @UCSD Ski and Snowboard Team
The UCSD Ski and Snowboard team is a competitive team that competes in the USCSA Southwest Collegiate Conference. Some of these schools include CSULB, SDSU, UCLA, and USC.
We hold recruitment in the Fall and the competitive season during the Winter Quarter. Practices are held at Big Bear and Mammoth Mountain. Our competitions are all over the Southwest including Mt High, China Peak, and Mammoth. Events include GS, Slalom, Railjam, Slopestyle, and Skier/Boarder Cross.
If you have any questions about the team, racing, or anything else message us on Instagram @ucsdski or by email at

4/5-4/7/24 and 4/26-4/28/24 - Spring Practice Weekends
This past weekend we headed up to beautiful Mammoth Lakes California for some spring practice for the next competition season. We planned this months ago, but fortunately, the snow gods were on our side as about three feet of fresh powder had been recently dumped on the slopes of Mammoth Mountain. Read More>>

3/5-3/9/24 - Nationals Race Report - Lake Placid, NY
The UCSD Ski and Snowboard team takes on Lake Placid, New York to compete in Nationals 2024! Getting an early start to our weeklong trip cross country we all met at the San Diego Airport at 6am. Read More>>

2/9-2/11/24 - Race Report 3: Regionals
This past weekend we headed back up to the beautiful China Peak Resort, nestled in the Sierra Nevada Mountains above Fresno, for our Regional Competition. It was quite the drive, about eight hours for those who left on Thursday night for our Friday competitions. Read More>>

2/2/24 - Race Report 2: Mount High
This past weekend we headed to the beautiful Los Angeles National Forest to shred it up in Mountain High, California. The resort is a small family-style resort nestled near the town of Wrightwood, where we stayed for the weekend. Our team competed in three events through the USCSA Southwest League, Giant Slalom. Slalom, and Railjam, with a fourth event, Slopestyle, unfortunately being canceled due to a lack of snow at the mountain for building jumps. Read More>>

1/26/24 - Snowski's Race Report 1: China Peak
Starting off our 2024 race season, we headed up to China Peak for our first official competition. It’s a small family resort up in the Sierra Mountains near Fresno, so it was quite the drive, but we still got over forty members to come out and compete for the team. Our team excelled in Slalom, Giant Slalom, Slopestyle, and Railjam throughout the weekend, even bringing home a couple of podium positions. Read More>>

1/9/24 - Snowski's Mammoth Practice Weekend
Kicking off the 2024 season, the team made our pilgrimage to Mammoth Mountain for our first practice weekend of the season, hosted by the USCSA Southwest League. The temps were cold, the mountain was windy, but with USCSA throwing together a slopestyle training everyone's hearts were warm training with our friends from the team and other colleges in our league. Read More>>

3/11 - USCSA Nationals 2023: A Big Showing on a Big Snowpack
The Weekend of March 11, the nationals crew drove up to Mammoth Mountain, California for a week of championship events. Unfortunately due to bad weather, events were canceled and snow hardness became a major concern for the athletes. Regardless, huge thanks to the entirety of the USCSA and MMSA staff who threw together some really fun courses, got some great photos, and battled the weather with us. Read More>>

2/21 - USCSA Far West Regional Competition
Over the long weekend, the team headed up to beloved Mammoth Mountain to battle it out against all teams in the far west region of the United States. Huge stakes this weekend as top finishes would guarantee qualification into the national championships in March. Read More>>

2/5 - China Peak Race
The weekend of February 5, the team headed up to China Peak for another round of competition. Similar to the event at Mount High, our athletes competed in slalom, gs, slopestyle, and rail jam events. Read More>>

1/28 - Mount High Race Report
This past weekend the team took the short drive up to sunny Mountain High California where light winds and clear skies filled the mountain for this series of competition. Our team competed in four disciplines including rail jam, slopestyle, slalom, and giant slalom. Read More>>

1/22 - Arizona Competition Ski/Boardercross Places well for UCSD!
The team took a trip over to the cactus state to compete in the first competition of the season! The park crew was stoked with the amount of snow they had to play with this year and were able to bless us with an amazing course. Read More>>

1/16 - 1st Practice Weekend in Big Bear for UCSD’s Snowski Team
For the long MLK weekend, the team took the drive up to Big Bear California to get warmed up for races beginning the week after. While mountain conditions were not ideal - rain on Saturday, snow Sunday, rain again Monday - the team got after it getting some much needed laps in to get the legs tuned for Arizona. Read More>>

Race Report #3
Look where we find ourselves, at another race report. Against all odds our athletes traveled to Arizona and not only kicked ass, but took names too. The drive to Arizona was a long one, the bathrooms in the Air BnB was minimal, and oh loooord did we smack The Claremont Colleges in laser tag. All this and more in race report 3. Read More>>

January 18, 2020 Race Report #2
It’s been awhile but it looks like we got another race report partners. For this race weekend our athletes had the pleasure of being up in Mammoth for Martin Luther King Jr Weekend, a three day weekend normally blacked out for us Ikon base pass plebs. The lords at USCSA had other ideas though and hooked our athletes up with the race passes fatty style and our boys and gals could shred the night away. While this weekend Read More>>

Race Report 1
Well, well, well, what have we here? It appears that our old pals over on the UCSD Ski and Snowboard team have started their race season and were back in action at Mammoth leading up to New Years. For this race weekend, we were going to be competing in 3 different events: Skier/BoarderCross, Giant Slalom (GS) and Slalom. Read More>

New Year's Race
The Ski and Snowboard season is off to a blistering start with our UCSD Ski and Snowboard team competing in their first race over the New Year’s weekend. Read More>

Race Report #2
Alright, alright, alright. Over the wonderful Martin Luther king Jr. weekend, your own UCSD Ski and Snowboard team had their second race of the season. Read More>

Race Report #3
Some of the tales I tell of this weekend may seem mythical or far-fetched, but I guarantee that this race weekend was one for the books. The days prior to the weekend went as any would expect, a mild storm on the forecast, no one getting their hopes up too high for a round of serious dumpage. Read More>

Regionals Race Report
This weekend our friends over at the UCSD Ski and Snowboard Team got to make their way up north to the wonderful lake Tahoe for the regional races. The regional race is a competition between UCSD’s Southwestern conference and the Northwestern Conference of Northern California. Read More>

Nationals Race Report
Howdy Y’all. This week was an especially wild one because while most UCSD students were busy preparing for finals during their week 10, some of our top Ski and Snowboard athletes were competing in Jackson Hole for Nationals! Read More>

UC San Diego Ski & Snowboard Alumni Weekend Race
The final race of the 18-19 season is upon us, and with that comes the final race report of the year. The race this weekend was the exclusive Alumni Weekend Race where alumni from our glorious home base, UC San Diego, can come and race against the current UC San Diego and other South Western League racers, and of course alumni from the other schools are welcome