Form and Waiver links
Recreation Activities Waiver and Code of Conduct (online form)
Facilities Waiver and Code of Conduct (online form)
Waiver of Liability: The University of California has mandated that anyone participating in any recreational activity or program or utilizing any recreational facility MUST complete an approved Waiver of Liability.
Code of Conduct: Anyone using Recreation facilities, programs, services or attending an event agrees to comply with this Code of Conduct.
UC San Diego Recreation: Code of Conduct
Recreation embraces the UC San Diego Principles of Community and is committed to the highest standards of civility and decency toward all. We promote and support a community where all people can work, learn and enjoy the privilege of recreation activities together in an atmosphere free of abusive, inappropriate or demeaning treatment.
UCSD Students, Faculty, Staff, Members, Participants, Guests and Spectators of Recreation facilities, programs, services, events and athletic competitions are expected to behave with civility, appropriate conduct and respect for the rights of others which may include patrons, staff, guests, consultants, instructors, vendors, and others working in or recreating in our facilities and programs. When you use Recreation facilities, programs, services or become a Recreation member, purchase a guest pass, are admitted using a complimentary day pass or attend an event, you agree to comply with this Code of Conduct and cooperate with staff.
All members and guests are encouraged to exercise good judgment in caring for the safety of others as well as themselves. Respect the facilities and all equipment used during participation. Familiarize yourself with and inspect equipment before use. Report any injuries, incidents or problems with equipment or facilities to Recreation staff.
Individuals should consult with their personal physician before starting an exercise routine. Proper attire is required always. Hours, policies and availability of facilities are subject to change.
Individuals and groups who engage in unacceptable or disruptive behavior may have their access to UC San Diego Recreation facilities, programs, services and events temporarily or permanently revoked, modified, suspended and/or may be subject to further university or law enforcement action. No refunds will be given for loss of membership privileges or program/service/event fees due to breach of the Code of Conduct. Standards of Conduct include, but are not limited to, the examples outlined below. The following types of conduct are specifically prohibited. If you witness or experience threatening or inappropriate behavior by another individual, please report the situation immediately to Recreation staff.
Prohibited Behavior
Aggressive, violent, unsafe or reckless behavior is explicitly forbidden at all activities, programs and events held in Recreation facilities. The assessment of these types of behaviors lies with Recreation staff. You may not promote or engage in physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion and/or other conduct, which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person. You may not use “fighting words” to harass any employee or guest in connection to Recreation indoor or outdoor spaces, official university functions, in or university sponsored programs, events or activities.
You may not engage in disorderly or lewd conduct including being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances.
A valid membership, pass registration or ticket is required for access to all UC San Diego Recreation facilities, programs and services. Entering unauthorized areas such as offices and maintenance workshops without the express permission of Recreation will be considered trespassing.
Sharing identification cards for access into Recreation facilities is considered forgery. If you forge, alter, give unauthorized use or misuse any University document, record, key, electronic device, or identification, then your actions will result in a loss of privileges and/or a fine.
Photography or video shooting is prohibited at Recreation facilities without prior department and campus approval. This rule is in place to protect the privacy of our members.
Posting, advertising, conducting unauthorized private lessons or training, soliciting individuals in UC San Diego Recreation facilities for personal services, businesses, or agencies is strictly prohibited.
Department employees are responsible for managing and maintaining the safety of our members and facilities. All users must comply with posted instructions or signs and with the directions of UCSD Recreation staff, University official(s) or other public official(s) acting in the performance of their duties. Failure to comply with staff requests, directions, or instructions will result in a loss of privileges.
The following actions are considered Criminal Activity and will result in immediate police action. Department staff will contact University police and request assistance addressing the immediate threat. Additional sanctions and restrictions will apply including loss of privileges.
Damage to or destruction of any property of the University or property of others while on University premises.
Rape, sexual assault, sexual violence, sexual harassment, stalking, physical assault, battery, threats of violence, or conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person.
Removal of or conversion of University property or the property of others while on University premises or sponsored program.
Use or possession of an explosive device, firearm, or other deadly weapon when on the premises.