President JOAQUIN RAMENTO | jramento@ucsd.edu
Treasurer OLIVIA SUN | olsun@ucsd.edu
Vice President AMANDA CHANG | amc004@ucd.edu
Instagram | @ucsddb
We are a top performing dragon boat team whose victories are a result of a unified and cohesive team effort; where the merit in victories are not measured by the number of medals but the growth and impact of the team as a whole.
Our History
The University of California, San Diego Dragon Boat Team was started in 2003 by a group of ambitious students looking to take their passion for the competitive sport they first encountered in high school to the college level. From its humble beginnings, the team has now grown into one of the top collegiate teams in California, competing in San Francisco’s CDBA Collegiate Championship, Tempe’s Arizona Dragon Boat Festival, the Long Beach Spring Race, and the Long Beach Summer Dragon Boat Festival.
The Sport of Dragon Boat
Dragon boat racing is an ancient canoeing sport originating from an annual ethnic ritual over the past two thousand years throughout southern China, that later spread throughout southeastern Asia and recently all over the globe. A dragon boat is essentially a 40 foot canoe that accommodates 20 paddlers (2 per row), a drummer and a steersman. Although competition has taken place for more than two millennia as part of religious ceremonies and folk customs, dragon boat racing has more recently risen as a competitive international sport.
Come check out what UCSD Dragon Boat is all about! Fall recruitment is approaching and we’ve got an eventful two weeks for you to engage in both the sport and the team. Please check our recruitment schedule and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send us a message at ucsddragonboat@gmail.com or through Facebook on the UC San Diego Dragon Boat page.
Stay updated by visiting/following our social mediums:
Facebook: UC San Diego Dragon Boat
Instagram: @ucsddb

10/20/24 - San Diego International Dragon Boat Race
Our Dragon Boat team competed in the San Diego International Dragon Boat Race hosted at Mission Bay. They were still going through their recruitment process, so were only able to... Read More >

4/29/24 - Finale at the Baby Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival
The Baby Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival, hosted on April 28th at Marine Stadium, Long Beach, CA, marked the final race of our racing season. Representing our colors were two boats from UCSD: UCSD Bae and UCSD Pookie... Read More >

3/24/24 - Making Waves in Tempe, Arizona
Following the success of the 2024 College Cup, our team had high expectations for the experiences that the 18th Annual Arizona Dragon Boat Festival would bring. Due to the sudden flooding and closure of Tempe Town Lake in 2023, it had been 2 years since the UC San Diego’s Dragon Boat team was able to compete in Arizona. Read More >

11/11/23 - Triumph at College Cup 2023
The 2023 College Cup race at Lake Merced in San Francisco, CA, marked the inaugural event of the racing season, sparking the dragon boat journey of new paddlers and setting off an electrifying tone for the academic year. Read More >

10/1/23 - Prelude at the San Diego Dragon Boat Race
From September 30th to October 1st, the shores of Fiesta Island in San Diego, CA, served as the backdrop for the 2023 San Diego International Dragon Boat Race. With the dawn of the school year, we embraced this event as the starting point of a new season. Read More >

7/29/23 - Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival
The 2023 Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival, hosted at Marine Stadium in Long Beach, CA, was our team’s mid-summer race. This 1-day festival stands among California's largest dragon boat festivals with over 100 teams competing from as far as Northern California and Texas. Read More >

4/23/23 - Baby Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival
The 2023 Baby Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival on April 23rd, held at Marine Stadium, Long Beach, CA, was our second and last race of the season. The 1-day event is a miniature version of the Big Long Beach Festival, one of the largest dragon boat festivals held in California at the end of July. Read More >

11/12/22 - The Return of the College Cup
The 2022 College Cup, held at Lake Merced in San Francisco, CA, is the first race of the season for the UC San Diego Dragon Boat Team. For many of our new paddlers, it is the first dragon boat race of their lives. Read More >

4/24/22 - Last Race of the Season at Baby Long Beach
The 2022 Long Beach Spring Race held at Marina Stadium, Long Beach, CA on Sunday, April 24th was our second and last race of the season. Read More >

3/27/22 - Tempe, Arizona: The First Race Since The Pandemic
It has been 2 full years since UC San Diego's Dragon Boat team has raced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 17th Annual Arizona Dragon Boat Festival (2022) at Tempe Town Lake Marina was our first race of the season since the College Cup (2021) was canceled. This festival is a 2-day event... Read More >

The Long Awaited Race: College Cup 2019
This past weekend, our team drove up to San Francisco and participated in College Cup, our most important and competitive race of the year. Read More >

Wenzhou Dragon Boat Race: The Best Hospitality
This past weekend, 13 members of our team raced in Wenzhou, China, where we received the best hospitality. Read More >

The First Race of the School Year: San Diego Race
The San Diego race we competed in this weekend was a tricky one. School just started, and we did not have new members yet, so we did not have enough members to race two full boats. Read More >

Las Vegas Dragon Boat Festival Victories
The Las Vegas Dragon Boat Festival was the last race of the school year for the UCSD Dragon Boat Team. It took a lot of fundraising and team efforts to make this race possible, but we had a great time in Nevada and it was our seniors’ last race. Read More>

Baby Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival
The 2019 Baby Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival on April 14th at Mother’s Beach in Long Beach, CA was the second race of UCSD’s Dragon Boat season. There was not much turnover time from our last race in Arizona only two weeks prior. Read More>

Arizona: The First Race of the Season
The 2019 Arizona Dragon Boat Festival on March 30th and 31st at Tempe Town Lake Marina was the first race of UC San Diego’s Dragon Boat season due to the cancellation of College Cup in November. It is a very exciting race because it is a 2-day event in which 13 collegiate teams, 35 mixed Read More>

It’s hard to capture the excitement that runs through your body, throughout your limbs and down your back, when you’re at the starting line of a race. In a single moment, you sort of forget the training that you pushed yourself through all quarter, and it becomes a part of you. Read More >