The Recreation Facilities Advisory Board (RFAB) is the principal advisory committee on sporting facilities and related policies at the University of California, San Diego. RFAB reviews the annual budget for the Recreation department and provides student feedback, questions and concerns to represent the student body.
RFAB operates under this charter with the approval of the Chancellor, the Associated Students Council and the Graduate Student Association Council. The Committee is charged by the Chancellor and given the responsibility of ensuring that the sports facilities have the emphases, breadth, and coordination to complement optimally the philosophy, missions, and goals of UC San Diego.

Jasmen Martinez - Chair

Seline Hemelians - Co-Chair

Kaitlyn Rim - AS Representative

Xavier Lopez - At Large Representative

Noa Kliger - Muir College Representative

Maxine Mah - Marshall College Representative

Mikel Amaro - Warren College Representative

Cameron Ettefagh - ERC Representative

Kamala Paspuleti - Sixth College Representative

Dylan Schmidt - Seventh College Representative

Ben Du - GPSA Representative

Macey Kadifa - Alumni Representative

Dylan Mullaney - RLC Representative

Heidi Carty - Staff Representative
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The Recreation Leadership Council (RLC) provides guidance within the Recreation department to enhance the experience of the broader campus and student employees while promoting lifelong well-being, growth and success. The RLC fosters unity among all the Recreation program areas, which include: Aquatics, Business Office, FitLife, Competitive Sports, Engagement, Esports, Events, Maintenance, Marketing, Recreation Experience, Outback Adventures, and Rec Classes. The RLC is to serve as a voice to ensure each program area can advocate ideas and concerns pertaining to their area as well as the broader department of Recreation.

Bo Oliver- Executive Chair
REC Department Position: Competitive Sports
REC Service Years: 2+ years
Favorite REC Activity: Intramural Sports
What do you do in your spare time?: I do the New York Times mini almost everyday, I'm currently teaching myself how to DJ, and I'm on the Club Basketball team at UC San Diego.
Which REC value do you identify with most?: Community is the reason I've stuck with Rec for as long as I have. I have made so many connections through this job that I will be forever grateful for, and to create a community like my own for others is incredibly rewarding.

Dylan Mullaney - Executive Vice Chair
REC Department Position: Outback Adventures, REC Experience
REC Service Years: 2 years
Favorite REC Activity: I really enjoy playing on the club ultimate frisbee team and guiding backpacking trips in the Sierras.
What do you do in your spare time?: I love to scrapbook, swim in the ocean, and find new places to eat ice cream.
Which REC value do you identify with most?: Rec has created spaces where I have found a strong sense of community and invaluable friendships. I have grown and learned so much through this job and I want to continue to create opportunities for others to build their communities within Rec.

Rebecca Clague – Executive Assistant Chair
REC Department Position: Facility Supervisor
REC Service Years: 1.5 years
Favorite REC Activity: Trivia nights!
What do you do in your spare time?: I love traveling to new places and cooking, but most of my free time is spent at one of my various jobs or sleeping.
Which REC value do you identify with most?: Community. I think that it’s so important to have a community of people who genuinely care about you and act as your support system, and I think that a community can look like many different things. It may be your family, your friends, or the people you work with, and I have been lucky enough to find that community within Recreation.

Lowry Flieder - Events Delegate
REC Service Years: 2+ years
Favorite REC Activity: Working soccer games!
What do you do in your spare time?: Read fantasy and mystery books.
Which REC value do you identify with most?: Inclusion because recreation is such a fundamental part of life and well-being, and by pushing to include everyone of diverse backgrounds and thoughts, the experience of recreation is constantly improving and becoming more and more fun and exciting.

Dylan Shafer – Aquatics Delegate
REC Service Years: 3.5 years
Favorite REC Activity: Sports Clubs - Club Swim
What do you do in your spare time?: If I am not working, I am probably still at the pool helping run UC San Diego Club Swim as President. Away from the pool, I can be found camping, cooking, or working on research with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Which REC value do you identify with most?: Community. I have met some of my best friends and made years of great memories by working/competing for REC.

Marlo Ramada – Aquatics Maintenance Delegate
REC Service Years: 1 year
Favorite REC Activity: Ultimate Frisbee
What do you do in your spare time?: Ultimate Frisbee, making music, video games.
Which REC value do you identify with most?: Community - Working at Canyonview and being on the ultimate team has given me the space to be authentically myself, as well as knowing I have an open and understanding support system. And friends!

Kate Seely - Engagement Delegate
REC Service Years: 2+ years
Favorite REC Activity: I love the variety of classes Recreation offers, and regularly go to yoga with the instructor Jane.
What do you do in your spare time?: When I have free time I like to work on creative projects -- scrapbooking, drawing, videomaking -- or learn about other languages and cultures.
Which REC value do you identify with most?: The Recreation department is where I've felt most at home at UCSD so I'd have to say community is what I identify most with. The work environment here is great and many of my friends were originally my coworkers before I knew them.

Anne Collora – FitLife Delegate
REC Service Years: 1 year
Favorite REC Activity: Fitness/Yoga Classes
What do you do in your spare time?: Consume all different types of media and art!
Which REC value do you identify with most?: Fun! It’s important to remember among many important values, and responsibilities the world wouldn’t run without time for rest and fun.

Xiaohan Li – Outback Delegate
REC Service Years: 1 year
Favorite REC Activity: Guiding trips and climbing at the OCC.
What do you do in your spare time?: I enjoy cooking, sampling new teas, reading, drawing, crocheting and hanging out with friends.
Which REC value do you identify with most?: I most identify with the Rec value of community. I have made so many wonderful friends through working at Outback--both guides and participants--and they are my home away from home.

Pedro Grimaldo Jr. – Events Operations Delegate
REC Service Years: 1.5 years
Favorite REC Activity: Trivia nights at Dirty Birds.
What do you do in your spare time?: I do photography and hang out with my friends.
Which REC value do you identify with most?: Community because I feel like everyone I work with is like my second family from how close we are.

Brendan Mair – Competitive Sports Delegate
REC Service Years: 2 years
Favorite REC Activity: Intramural sports and Rimac gym.
What do you do in your spare time?: I go to the beach, losing money in prize picks, working out, and playing video games with friends from home.
Which REC value do you identify with most?: FUN

Jason Dillon - RLC Exec Team Pro Staff Advisor
REC Department Position: Aquatics
REC Service Years: 22 years
Favorite REC Activity: I love so many of the activities in Recreation, but the one that always leaves me beaming from ear to ear is inner-tube water polo. No other sport combines the high octane, adrenaline pumping natural high of a professional sport, with the laziness of sitting on a floaty in an indoor pool while competing.
What do you do in your spare time?: Read, lift, swim, surf and spend quality time with my family.
Which REC value do you identify with most?: Community - When I was an undergrad student, UCSD Recreation was a huge part of my community and what made me enjoy my time here as much as I did. Now as a professional staff I look to continue that inclusive community that made me feel so welcome in my program area and through the amazing work of the RLC.

Bobby Jaffe – Pro Staff Advisor
REC Department Position: Rec Experience
REC Service Years: 5 years
Favorite REC Activity: My favorite activity in Rec has always been Open Rec. The program serves a huge number of patrons, students, and staff that have varying interest in basketball, volleyball, badminton, soccer, and other field sports. For me when I think of recreational activity, I think of a pick up basketball game and having the opportunity to participate in the activity with people that share an interest and that builds community and friendships that can last a lifetime.
What do you do in your spare time?: Hang out with my son and wife. Love watching Marvel, Star Wars, and Pop Culture shows.
Which REC value do you identify with most?: I most identify with integrity. How do you hold yourself accountable (in all aspects of life) when nobody is watching? It says a lot about what guides you and who you are as an individual, friend, partner, employee, etc.

Dominic Ackerman – Pro Staff Advisor
REC Department Position: Competitive Sports
REC Service Years: 4 years
Favorite REC Activity: Yoga
What do you do in your spare time?: I play golf, and spend a lot of time walking/hiking with my dog (Chico).
Which REC value do you identify with most?: Leadership - I love giving back to the students and creating experiences that develop learning opportunities.

Marc Beasley – Pro Staff Advisor
REC Department Position: Events
REC Service Years: 11 years
Favorite REC Activity: Working with our student employees on providing memorable events to enhance the student life on the campus.
What do you do in your spare time?: Working in the events world spare time is valued and I remember to reconnect with my family and friends.
Which REC value do you identify with most?: I couldn't identify with just one of our values since I believe they should be and are how I approach my role within UC Recreation in representing my program area, supervising my team and mentoring them. I would emphasize the "FUN" a little heavier than the others. Because as Groucho Marx said "IF you are not having fun you are doing something wrong."
The Recreation Inclusion Council (RIC) was created in 2020 to advise Recreation on all matters related to the department actions around equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice.
Student members
- Leo Ho (co-chair)
- Bo Miao
- Julianna Lawscha
- Selene Vasquez
- Ashley Dubon
- Cynthia Gao
- Emma Dobson
- Zachary Yamada
Staff members
- Cassey Marsh (co-chair)
- Clayton Claiborn
- Tessa Opperman
- Tiffany Healy
2022-2023 Subcommittee Goals
The RIC has two main subcommittee goals this year in addition to the full council goals.
Adaptive Recreation Assessments and Implementations
Cassey, Leo, Bo
LGBTQIA+ Collaborative Outreach
Cassey, Leo, Tessa, Juliana, Selene,
Assessment & Marketing Reviews
Full RIC
2021-2022 Subcommittee Goals
The RIC had three subcommittees in 2022:
Partnerships, collaborations and outreach to underrepresented groups
Tiffany Healy, Leo Ho, Clayton Claiborn
Hiring practices and professional development
Hector Fletes, Liz Henry
Inclusive facilities
Cassey Marsh, Tessa Opperman, Leo Ho
2020-2021 Subcommittee Goals
Hiring and Department Training:
Implicit Bias Training:
Taking this training is the first step for the department as a whole to learn about and acknowledge implicit bias without shame. In addition, the RIC hopes this training will provide resources and tools to assist against bias allowing our department to be more successful when establishing policies and procedures, committees, hiring practices, etc.
By end of winter quarter
Time frame- flexibility
Implicit bias training will be online
Recreation wide hiring audit:
To ensure that the department is being active in providing a robust group of employees. This audit will be valuable in identifying gaps related to staff diversity and share resources and practices that lead to more representation within the dept. In addition, the RIC hopes that this audit will inform the department about steps needed to fill gaps, including but not limited to, better recruitment, intentional outreach practices, improving retention, etc.
This is not an overnight fix but it is intentional to help our department in being more inclusive.
1/28-2/3- First draft of questions completed and submitted to management for approval
2/15-2/25- pending approval the audit will be sent out to department areas
Mid Spring- Data is collected- during these time frames the committee will determine how to present the data collected and actions taken from there.
Facilities and marketing:
Use of Spaces
Many student organizations use Recreation spaces, and we want to ensure equity in the access to our resources. We will evaluate and identify student orgs that are less active in our spaces to see if there is a need for our spaces and find out how we can support them either by providing access or any other ways we could help. We have already identified orgs that are in this category, so our goals are framed around the next steps.
Short term goal: draft a template email to send to orgs that (week 2 of winter quarter)
Long term goal: send individual emails reaching out to orgs (by end of winter quarter)
Facility Inclusivity & Imagery
As the subcommittee for inclusive facilities, we want to evaluate how our facilities are being showcased, how effective they are at welcoming all demographics of students, staff, faculty and community members. This goal is more about the assessment of the spaces to see if there is a need for any changes or improvements.
Short term goal: Walk through spaces to assess inclusion (1st walk through by end of December, 2nd look in February to identify gaps)
Long term goal: Collaborate with Marketing, Operations, and Building Maintenance on future events and projects (reach out to plant the seeds by end of fall quarter, and schedule initial check-ins for Jan/Feb to start the conversation)
Gender Inclusivity:
There is a concern about the lack of resources and availability of restrooms, showers, and locker rooms for the LGBTQIA+ community on campus and within Recreation facilities.
Short term goal: assessment of current facilities and access to non-binary restrooms, showers and locker rooms (ongoing during winter quarter)
Additional short term goal: research to identify what strategies other universities have used to increase gender inclusivity to gather general advice and ideas (send out requests for information week 5 of winter quarter)
Long term goal: influence decisions for future building planning and identifying possible solutions for current spaces (end of spring quarter)
General Resources for Inclusivity on Campus
We would like to provide additional resources for Recreation staff to be better able to support patrons with various needs such as lactation and prayer spaces. This goal could also expand to incorporate other resources that would help our staff better serve our community.
Short term goal: assess current (and accurate) campus locations of lactation rooms and prayer spaces (by end of winter quarter)
Long term goal: create an inclusivity FAQ for front desk staff (draft ready for the next all student staff training in September)
Partnerships and Collaborations with underrepresented groups:
- Take inventory of pre-existing partnerships and collaborations between Rec and campus resource centers to identify established points of contact and to understand relationship history.
- Create a questionnaire for all program areas to complete by January 30th, 2021.
- Date of form creation to submit to management?: 1st week of February
- Date of questionnaire dissemination?: Second week of February.
- Deadline to complete: February 26th
- Connect with RIC / Cross Cultural Center and Resource Centers to establish partnerships
- Identify points of contact for all community resource centers by March 5th
- Draft email to introduce RIC and our intentions to CCC and Resource Centers (review with RIC before sending) by March 5th.
- Extend invites to points of contact for partnership discussion by March 12th.
- Draft roundtable discussion questions by March 20th
- Hold roundtable discussion with points of contact by the first week of Spring Quarter (determined upon partner availability)
- Discuss pre-existing and past partnerships, collaborations, and experiences
- Discuss resource center needs and requests
- Discuss preferred/current programming calendar and current opportunities for collaboration (low hanging fruit)
**Will establish new goals for Spring Quarter after partner meeting**
2020-2021 Subcommittees:
Inclusive Facilities
Partnerships, Collaborations and Outreach to Underrepresented groups
Hiring practices and professional development
The Recreation Inclusion Council (RIC) advises Recreation on all matters related to the department actions around equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice.
Promotes social justice within Recreation and its units. Its purview is broadly defined, encompassing diversity in all its dimensions: race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, physical abilities, religion, and others.
Articulates the value and importance of equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice within Recreation’s goals and priorities and embraces an organizational culture that is strengthened by multiple opinions and perspectives.
Provides guidance and recommendations on professional development, student development and other strategies for developing an inclusive organization. This includes, but is not limited to, staffing, programs, trainings, and accessibility.
Liaises with the resource centers and other related partners on campus in supporting Recreation efforts and campus initiatives of common interest. Identifies, in appropriate consultation with campus units, measurable goals and assessment for diversity and inclusion outcomes for Recreation. Creates cross-campus collaboration and engagement within inclusion initiatives.
10 members: 4 Recreation full time staff, 4 Recreation Student Staff, and 2 campus partners. The Director of Recreation appoints the first RIC chair for a one-year term. Chair and vice- chair are voted on by the members of the RIC.
The chair serves a two-year term, the first as vice-chair and the second as chair or, in the case of an unexpected vacancy, until a replacement is found. In year one, the chair will serve a one-year term. A RIC member serves a two-year term renewable at the conclusion of years one and two.
The RIC meets monthly to conduct the work of its charge. Some work will be outside of the meeting and could include other staff in Recreation. Additional meetings can be added by the RIC if needed
The committee makes recommendations to the Director of Recreation and, as appropriate, to the Management Team and/or Leadership Team.
Code of Conduct
The RIC adheres to and uplifts the UC San Diego Principles of Community in all its deliberations and activities.