Tritonman Race Report Katie Hosch
My alarm goes off, and I instantly thought “it’s 3 already?” I rolled out of bed (not that I was actually asleep anyways). So I continued with my normal morning routine: made coffee, ate cereal, put on sunscreen, caught up on the world. Since this was the day of the draft legal race, I had to put on my temporary tattoos- which seemingly everyone screwed up. I finished packing up all my stuff, grabbed my bike, bike pump, and first aid kit (I’m the safety officer) and headed out.
Mission Bay. Dark and early.
I was on the registration team, so our duties began pretty much as soon as I got there, we set up all the tents and tables, as well as getting the computers all ready.
Registration opens.
The process began, and the sleep deprived (and generally pretty nice) triathletes approached us to receive their numbers
Registration closes.
Clare and I went to go set up our transition areas, and begin a warm-up. As I ran past the aid station during warm-up, the aid table team was preparing and super stoked to hear the theme song (Justin Beiber’s Sorry) on a continuous loop.
Our names are called numerically so we can swim out to the start line. The airhorn blew and we were off, I realized I hadn’t swam with a big group of people since November… I got out of the swim and began to take off my wetsuit and it got stuck on my arm. I got on the bike and realized I should have swam slightly faster, but the bike ended up being pretty good. And as always the run hurt, a lot. But all the guys at the aid station helped to lift my spirits each time I passed. Overall another amazing Tritonman!