The Tritons start off the first match of the season with a bang. The first game of the season was against CSUN at home and the Tritons needed to set the start for a very good league season. At kickoff the boys started the run to barrel through CSUN’s defense to get a quick 5 meter try to set the tempo for the rest of the game. After many breaks through the defense, the Tritons can break through to pad their lead to solidify their hold on the flow of the game. The Tritons really had the control of the game, so CSUN was only able to score once in the first half. The second half of the game had the Tritons trying to maintain their lead and not allow CSUN to score. The tempo of the game was back and forth as both teams were trying to score in the second half. The Tritons were able to put some points on the board and CSUN was able to score only once. The Tritons came out on top to have the win against CSUN to a 50-12 spread. The Tritons are going to need to work much harder since the games coming up will really put the Tritons to the test.